Local resident and seamstress extraordinaire, Asma Begum, will be starting her Make and Mend sessions on Wednesday 23rd September. The sessions will run every Wednesday morning (except school holidays) from 10.30-12.30.
Join Asma to learn basic sewing skills and to create bespoke projects!
Some information about Asma:
“My name is Asma Begum, I am a writer and self-taught interior stylist and a resident of Tower Hamlets. I am also a mother to three daughters, and have a honors degree in Creative & Professional Writing and Journalism Studies. I specialise in creative non-fiction and research work and have published work in this field.
I am also equally passionate about textiles, crafts and up-cycling. Having grown up with parents working in the rag trade, I naturally took an interest in sewing and crafts and have honed my skill set in both textiles and crafts over a number of years. I have previously produced textiles commission work and have been involved in arts consultancy and community projects.
I am keen to sustain East London’s craftmanship and sewing skills and hope to teach participants to sew and open up opportunities for them to progress into further qualification and work. My classes will bring together grassroots creative practice with local organisations as well as with designers based in Poplar Works offering a unique opportunity to local people.”
If you want to join Asma for one of her sessions please call her on 07944942110 to confirm your place!